
Chocolate Laced: Misplaced

I misplaced the camera holding piece of my tripod, so I haven't been able to take any pictures lately and I've been busier than usual. I managed to take a cropped shot of what my outfit was yesterday as I went to a long time friend's apartment to...

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Chocolate Laced: I Wear My [Pencil] Skirt To My Knees

Yesterday, I tried something new. Because of my early morning plans (11 in the morning is early to me) I decided that ...

Chocolate Laced: More Than Just A Hobby...

Today, I brought my friend, Adela, along while I took pictures to put up here. She liked how my pictures came out--the ...

Chocolate Laced: Tailor Made

One of my favorite things about traditional Nigerian clothing is that they are (more often than not) tailor made. This ...

Chocolate Laced: A Few Things Have Changed...

One: I made a new banner for my blog! Isn't it lovely? I also changed the colors around a bit and just tried my best ...

Chocolate Laced: When You're Good To Karma, She's Good To You!

On my way to Goodwill for some handy dandy thrift shopping, I stopped at a corner store to get a Mango Madness ...

Chocolate Laced: Wish Upon A Sale...

These are all the items that I would love to have in my closet for this summer/fall. They are ALL ON SALE right this ...

Chocolate Laced: Mama Africa

In my last post, I mentioned getting some material from my mother that I would incorporate into my future outfits ...

Chocolate Laced: It's All About Tribal!

And I'm not just referring to the awesome print of my skirt! I'm talking hertiage. Ethnicity. Nationality. Tribe. I am ...