"You Can't Take Pictures Here..."

by - Thursday, June 21, 2012

What I'm Wearing
Earrings: (gift from Mom)
Sunglasses: Electric Tonette (gift)
Arm Candy & Rings: Assorted
Electric Blue Blazer: H&M ($13; 50% off $24.95)
Striped Box Dress: H&M (thrifted $8)
Leather Belt: came with these Leather H&M shorts
Studded Flats: Carlos Santana (my sister's closet)

I have come to the conclusion that my closet needs more shoes of COLOR. So, on Tuesday, I went to the mall with that in mind. My lovely friend, Erica, helped me search but, unfortunately, with the budget I was on, we were completely out of luck.

We left the mall and I remembered that I needed to take pictures of my outfit (I carry my camera & tripod everywhere I go), so I found this brick wall outside the mall and thought it'd be a pretty nice backdrop. Erica helped me take the pictures so I didn't have to run back and forth chasing the timer.

We took a lot of pictures (I like having choices) and when we were nearing the end of the shoot, mall security approached us and told us we weren't allowed to take pictures because the mall is private property. Doesn't that suck? He was very nice about it and I didn't feel too bad afterwards. And I got way more than enough shots. I actually had TOO much to choose from... which is never a bad thing!

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