Discovering Albany!

What I'm Wearing
Black Chandelier Earrings: gift
Necklace: H&M ($10)
Black Lace Motorcycle Jacket: H&M ($15)
Floral Dress (worn as top): Papaya (gift)
Black Skirt: H&M (eBay $12)
Bracelets: Gold - (my sister's closet); black (Icing $2)
Sequinned Flats: Steve Madden ($40)
Pink & Tan Satchel: Victoria's Secret (thrifted gift)
I have lived in Albany, New York for the past 4+ years and it has proved to be the most lackluster city... until today, that is. I was on a different mission today. I actually went looking for the beauty in Albany and it has been sitting under my nose this entire time. Albany is seriously beautiful. One just has to be open to finding it.
I found out that the tallest building in NY (outside of NYC) is right here in Albany. And on the top floor, they allow visitors to observe Albany at sky view! Amazing, is it not?! I'm really interested in photography, so I tried my hand at a few shots. This is Albany.

I didn't go on this adventure alone! My friend Michael accompanied me and he enjoyed the bird's eye view just as much!

P.S. I've had this dress for SO long. My best friend gave it to me about 3 years ago (maybe more, I'll ask her!) and this is the first time I'm wearing it! I just love the print, I don't know why it took me so long to wear it. Jeez.

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