
Happy One Year Blogaversary Chocolate Laced!

by - Saturday, June 02, 2012

I started Chocolate Laced on June 2, 2011 because I had a vision. I knew that I loved clothes and I loved fashion but I never expressed it the way that I wanted to. I couldn't define my style if someone asked me! I'm certainly much closer to my goal. There are some days when I would even go as far as to saying I reached it (on that specific day). I love blogging and I want to continue until I feel "chocolate laced" every single day.

Thank you to everyone that follows and reads my blog. Whether it's on GFC, bloglovin', or Facebook, or just randomly stopping by!

I don't really know how to celebrate this, but I sure am super excited that I was able to keep this up for a year! Hopefully there are many more to come :).

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