Double Denim, Fur Lapels & Chocolate Lips

What I'm Wearing
Earrings: (gift from mom) | Necklace: Wet Seal
Fur Lapel: H&M ($17)
Denim Top: H&M ($5)
Jeggings: H&M ($5)
Chocolate Laced took a slight day off. As much as I'd love to be maxed out glamourous every day, I need rest sometimes, too!
Another short picture post. I actually took these myself right outside my room. If you look closely, you can see the remote in my hand. I had no pockets to hide it in. Hehe.
So, I am extremely excited to say that I've FINALLY found an appropriate brown lipstick for my complexion and for the size of my lips. I have very full lips and the browns I had ALWAYS made me look like I just stepped out of having collagen fills. Terrible. Just terrible. So, in order to avoid this, I just quit wearing brown lipstick. That is, until I found this: Cover Girl Lip Perfection Lipstick in Enamor (Color 250). CVS was having a sale (50% off) and I had no idea how it would look, but I decided to take the risk. And BOY was it worth it! It's name holds true! (I WILL be buying this in every recommended color. Cover Girl has an online ColorMatch quiz that sets you up with the best shades depending on your features! Take the quiz!)
Now my lips can be Chocolate Laced, too!! ;) Two posts in a row about my lips. What can I say?! I love 'em!
What do you wear on your off days?

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