Chocolate Laced: Interview Two

Earlier this week, I was called back for second interview with one of my beloved fashion companies for their sales advisor/associate position. I did my infamous happy dance and then began to mentally browse my closet for an outfit that may suit a second interview. After two attempts, I found that the third time really is the charm!

At first, I wanted to wear a teal halter collared top with purple pants and a beige/tan blazer, but I felt that it was too colorful for an interview and I had no idea what shoes to wear with it. Then I switched the purple pants for these high waisted knit harem pants and I knew the pants had to stay but the top didn't fit the way I wanted it to. I went into my closet and took a quick look around and viola! My outfit was born.

I'm not exactly sure what a second interview entails but I do hope I am more than prepared for it. Not only am I yearning to get this job, but it would be so convenient in terms of transportation. I don't know if I mentioned this in the first interview post, but it takes me an hour to get to my current job (I take the bus). If I were to get this position, it would only take me 20 minutes max! That excites me even more than I already am!

What I'm Wearing
Earrings: (gifted from Mom)
Necklace: (gifted from Mom)
Ring: (gifted from Mom)
Leaf Clamp Bracelet: ASOS ($7)
Belts: H&M (3 for $12)
Bag: Nine West (my sister's closet)
Linen Blazer: Chaps (old gift)
Polka Dot Top: Material Girl from Macy*s (gift)
Knit Harem Pants: Forever 21 ($15)
Floral Pumps: Me Too from DSW ($32)
TOTAL: $63

My mom bought my sister this blazer way before I was old enough to buy my own clothes. My sister didn't like it because of the highly unflattering fit, so she gave it to me. (Can you feel the love?) I have had this blazer for over 6 years and I didn't start wearing it comfortably until recently. I found this article on College Fashion that showed me how to easily adjust my blazer for a more flattering fit. Thank goodness for that article! I added both a ribbon and a giraffe broach to the back and now I can't get enough of this blazer.

See? A broach and a ribbon can make all the difference!

My interview is at 11:00 AM today and I'll be working from 3:00 PM to 9:30 PM after it (don't worry, I have a pair of flats to change into!) Once I get home, I'll edit this post to update you all on how it went! Wish me luck (again)!
[UPDATE]: I got the job! :D It's at H&M which may mean nothing to some people, but it's a big deal for me! Yay!