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My Pant-alloons!

What I'm Wearing
Scarf: old | Earrings: NY&C | Necklace: CR
Leopard Belt: Talbots | Beaded Bracelets: gift
Cropped Sweater: H&M thrifted
High-Waisted Harem Style Jeans: Z. Cavaricci thrifted
Combat Boots: CR
I was going to name this post something boring like, "Harem Denim! Who Knew?" but this really cute guy I know saw me and called them "pant-alloons" which I thought was super cute and completely hilarious. So, I took it from him. Hehe, I'm allowed. ;)
So, I would like to introduce you all to my pantalloons aka balloon pants aka awesome piece of work that I thrifted for not one but two dollars. The price still takes me aback. I paid two dollars for a pair of pantalloons that do everything for my body that I want done:
1) Accentuate my waist. Check.
2) Create the illusion of hips. Check.
3) Create the illusion of a pleasantly round derriere. Check.
4) Make me look fabulous. Check. Check. And, you guessed it, CHECK!
Pantalloons, you really only had one job, but you took on four and exceeded all expectations. I salute you, pantalloons. I. Salute. YOU.

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