Fall Combo: Maroon, Camel, Denim & Leopard

by - Saturday, September 28, 2013

What I'm Wearing
Leopard Scarf (worn as head wrap): H&M | Clip-On Earrings: thrifted | Necklace: ALDO
Wool Blazer: thrifted
Camel Sweater: H&M
Denim Blouse: H&M
Jeans: AEO
Combat Boots: CR

I definitely went for the kill with the combinations I chose with this outfit. I, honestly, was just trying to stay warm because the weather has been so evil lately. I love fall just like the next fashion blogger, but some days, I really can't win! I usually start my days around 8 am, and, at that time, it's usually around 45 degrees Fahrenheit! Yea..BURR! Howeverrrrr, the temperature spikes to an unforgiving 74 degrees by 3 pm and I'm sweating bullets! And, you guessed it, on this day...I was sweating the shell casings of an AK-47.

But, my high school track coach told me, "Ladies don't sweat. They glisten."

So, I say, glisten on Chocolate Laced. Glisten. On.

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