Casual Comfort

What I'm Wearing
Earrings: CR | Scarf: H&M | Ring: Charming Charlie's
Leather Jacket: H&M
Chambray Top: Calvin Klein from Macy's
Denim Shorts: thrifted DIY
Gray Tights: CR
Black Knee High Socks: F21
Combat Boots: H&M
I have been slightly "slacking" and opting for the more effortless style of dress: my casual comfortable "uniform", so to speak--This outfit is semi cute though... but, in all honesty, I just threw it on--I usually don't put much thought into my outfits, but when I'm wearing jeans, you can assume that I put absolutely no thought into what I'm wearing (unless told otherwise, jeans can be cute sometimes)... and usually, that is a consequence of poor time management that I have to suffer whenever school is in the picture. The crux: Do I take the time to look fabulous always or use that time to study, sleep, and just hope I look great when I blindly get dressed the next morning?
Well, I've come up with a slight solution for said problem: stop being so stinking lazy! It's easy to choose to do one thing over another... but who wants to take the easy route when the challenge is staring you dead in the face?
And so, I have decided that I need to stop the madness and continue to be the most fabulous person that I can be.
I have a surprise for the month of November! Stay tuned! I'll most likely announce it sometime in the week before the month starts! I'm excited!! You should be toooooo! ;)

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