
Chocolate Laced: Interview Two

Earlier this week, I was called back for second interview with one of my beloved fashion companies for their sales advisor/associate position. I did my infamous happy dance and then began to mentally browse my closet for an outfit that may suit a second interview. After two attempts,...

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Chocolate Laced: Inside My Closet Part I

(photo credit: weheartit.com)Hello everyone! I've been MIA lately, I'm deeply sorry. There have been a plethora of ...

Chocolate Laced: Interview!

Today I had an interview at one of my favorite places to shop! I don't want to jinx it, so I will refrain from ...

Chocolate Laced: New Hair

The hairstyle I've been waiting for is finally on my head! Drum roll, please! *drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* ...

Chocolate Laced: Everybody Everywear - Mellow Yellow

I knew that I wouldn't have any time to do this during the week with camp, so I decided to wear my yellow a few days ...

Chocolate Laced: Midi, Lace & Leopard

This week has been incredibly hectic for me. I've immersed myself in camp work to the point where I barely have time ...