
November 30 for 30 Remix Challenge!

by - Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hello beautiful people! I'd been planning this for a while but it's finally time to start my very first 30 for 30 remix challenge!
*cue cheers and applause*
Thank you, thank you! You're far too kind.

Okay. So for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, here's a brief introduction of what the 30 for 30 remix challenge (30x30) is.

30 for 30 Remix Challenge

by Kendi of Kendi Everyday


Choose 30 items from your closet--a mixture of tops, pants, skirts, shorts, dresses, jackets, and shoes--and, for 30 days, create and wear outfits with only those 30 items. You're allowed to accessorize in anyway that you please, so scarves, tights, jewelry, etc. are unlimited! Seems easy right? Well, you also cannot go shopping in those 30 days because the point of the challenge is to "shop your closet". (That last rule is actually optional, but if you've ever seen my closet, you'd understand why that rule is necessary for me.)

And now, drum roll, please, I present to you my 30 items**!
(Actually, 29... because I can't count. My 30th item is a cream blazer that isn't pictured.)

**Okay, so... it's freezing in Albany. For my health, I've decided to add coats as an "accessory". Say what you want about it. I'm not gonna freez my little booty off trying to be cute in my 30x30 items and no coat. Psh.

Stay tuned: if I don't post an outfit a day, I'll post every other day. I hope you'll all enjoy this as much as I think I will. Haha!

P.S. I know today is Halloween, but I literally have no time to do an "on-time" Halloween post. I may take a few flicks of my daytime costume and my weekend costume and put them up on Instagram if I don't get a chance to do a post.

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