"If You're Feeling Like A Pimp, Go On Cut The Shoulders Off!"

What I'm Wearing
Ivory Teardrop Earrings: ALDO
Gold Shell Necklace: (gift)
Hot Pink Polka Dot Blouse: Heritage 1981 ($??)
Teal Pants: H&M ($15)
Cream Oxfords: Crown Vintage (my sister's closet)
I'm a corn, what are you gonna do? The title of this post is my rendition of a Jay-Z throwback track that I, shamelessly, enjoy. Contrary to my title, I actually didn't cut the shoulders off... I bought the blouse just like that. Surprise! Hehehe...
I wore this outfit about a week ago to help out at the best elementary school in Albany, NY. (That's the yellow building I'm standing next to!) I wore the bralet underneath the blouse because it was a tad too sheer for a school setting, but the bralet fixed that right up!

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