
Chevron Striped in Lake George: A Photo Story (& Giveaway Winners)

by - Tuesday, August 27, 2013

On Thursday, my friend, Adela, and I ventured north to Lake George, NY because we wanted to spend some time together before school started and before the idea of "free time" vanished from existence. So... you can kind of say we went on a date. :)
( WARNING: Photo heavy post ahead! Continue at your own will ;] )

Above: Adela's beautiful face.

What I'm Wearing
Earrings: ALDO | Scarf: (gift) | Necklace: Rue 21
Swimsuit: Old Navy (gift)
Maxi Skirt: eBay ($12)
Shoes: TOMS (my sister's closet)

It was a wonderful day and a beautiful view. Days and places like this always bring me back to a state of tranquility that I truly cherish. I didn't really dress extravagantly; my outfit was meant to be functional with a touch of flirty, as every beach outfit should be! Alright, enough about me...

It's time to announce the two winners of the ara nicole online boutique gift card giveaway!
Drumroll please!
*drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*
[Winners were selected at random by the wonderful technologies of Rafflecopter]

And the winners are:

[Debora Ferri] and [Sendy Joy]!

Congratulations ladies! I will be sending out an email to you with your electronic gift card!

For the rest of you ladies that entered but didn't win, do not fret! You still have until the end of this month to shop at ara nicole online boutique with the coupon code chocolatelaced15 and enjoy 15% off the full-priced pieces that caught your eye!

Thank you all for reading and participating! Stay tuned for more chocolate laced treats!

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