Are you excited?!
It's only been a few days and the app just makes you want to take and share pictures of almost everything! Here are a few of mine so far:

Because I had used instagram on my friend's iPhone before it was released to Androids, I immediately noticed some differences in the way the apps functioned on each phone system. Obviously better on the iPhone operating system, instagram is equipped with auto "cropping" as well as the tilt shift photo editing option. On Androids, you have to crop each photo after you take it...it gets a little annoying. But hey, the instagram developers are hard at work because they've been fixing bugs with super speed ever since the app was released! I'm sure all the features will be available to us Androiders in no time!
My instagram username is
& here is my webstagram link! Comment with your instagram handle so I can follow you too! :D
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