I Told You I'd Be Back! (And With A Slight Vengeance...)

What I'm Wearing
Scarf: XSRE | Necklace: Wet Seal | Earrings: ALDO
Patterned Top: thifted ($3)
Ankle Pants: H&M ($5)
Pumps: ASOS ($22)
*cue Timbaland rap voice with echo*
It's been a long time (long time)
I shouldn't have left you (left you)
without a dope [outfit] to step to...step to... step to
I'm baaaaaaaaaack! (If you'd like, click the inspiration link, and have it play as this post's personal soundtrack. You won't be disappointed.)
It has been a whole two months and, the entire time, I felt like I all my energy was draining from my being. I doubt anyone can truly the extent to which I have missed blogging!
I've been completely swamped with school. (I still have three finals to take, so I'm not completely done YET!) I was taking three programming intensive courses and utilizing three different languages: C, Java, and Assembly. My brain was literally melting and I knew that if I didn't give my studies my FULL attention, I'd have to personally dig the grave to bury my future in. Not something I could say I was looking forward to. So... I took a much needed break and now, 6 days before my birthday, I am here! Back. With outfits I took pictures of in April that I never had time to blog!
I hope you all didn't miss me too much!
Happy Mother's Day
to all the wonderful mommies out there.
We, your daughters, are incredibly happy
to have you in our lives!

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