Bright On Time! | 10 Day Challenge: Seven

by - Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What I'm Wearing
Fur Scarf: H&M ($3)
Red Peacot: H&M ($20)
Earrings: 2DollarJewelry ($2)
Hot Pink Cardigan: UK French Connection (?)
Skinny Black Belt: H&M (3 for $10)
White Bow-Button Down: H&M (thrifted $3)
Dress (as shirt): Forever 21 (my sister's closet)
Button Down Skirt: H&M ($7)
Black Tights: Charlotte Russe (2 for $10)
Jeweled Flats: Calvin Klein (my sister's cloest)

Day Seven

I would've gone brighter if I didn't have a job interview today! I didn't want to scare my possible employer just yet. The interview was for the position of a Student Assistant in my University's IT department. Four people are being interviewed, I was the second, and I'm fully qualified... I really hope I get it. I'd love another job right about now. The hours are super flexible and I won't have to worry about not having time to study. *Keeps fingers crossed*

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