Longer Hemlines: Me & My Leather Midi Skirt

by - Monday, June 16, 2014

leather midi skirt
leather midi skirtleather midi skirt
leather midi skirt

how to wear a midi skirthow to wear a midi skirthow to wear a midi skirt

What I'm Wearing
Necklaces: H&M | Earrings: ALDO | Bracelets: F21 | Blazer: New York & Company
Dress: H&M (worn as top) | Skirt: boohoo.com [want it?] | Flats: DSW [want it?]| Purse: bebe

I love my mini skirts just as much as the next long-legged lady, but lately, I've been showing some love and appreciation for my midis. The length and the silhouette of this particular one is among my favorites. It's so comfortable, chic, and it creates the illusion of a more curvaceous figure; I've been praying for curves my whole life!

A midi skirt, by Chocolate Laced Definition, is any length between your knees and your lower calf. It can be pencil, full, pleated and so forth, but as long as it falls within the aforementioned range, I will consider it a midi—for short. And, although some people may disagree, I think that there is a midi out there for every body type! Remember, when you're reppin' your style, the most important article you could wear is confidence. Confidence can make just about ANYTHING look good. (Message!)

But, keep in mind, if you have:
a boyish, straight or V-shaped figure, a full midi skirt, like the one I have on, will create the illusion of a fuller lower half
an hourglass or pear-shaped figure, a pencil midi skirt will love your curves and slim you down

This was my first shoot in a very long time... so, it took me a little while to get back in my "groove". While choosing which of my pictures to use for this post, I watched as I went from super-de-duper awkward to wannabe superstar. It was amazing to see.

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