Of The Sun: My Hi-Low Dress & I

What I'm Wearing
Tassel Earrings: Icing | Necklace: Charming Charlie's | Belt: gift
Floppy Sun Hat: H&M ($15)
Hi-Low Dress: River Island from ASOS ($18)
Bow Flats: ASOS ($34)
I enjoy the sun during the last hour before it sets. It becomes less aggressive and more understanding of the stress it's put us through in the earlier hours of the day. Right before it sets, to me, is it's apology for being so harsh all day...and as much as I despise the winter and snow, I cannot stand a the scorching hot, harsh sunlight that summer brings. But once that nighttime breeze hits, everything is right in the world. But, since we cannot all just hide away in our homes all day until the sun simmers down a bit, I suggest you wear breathable fabrics. Things that don't cling to your every curve and crevice. I promise, tight clothing will only do you a major disservice. That is all. Excuse me while I jump in a tub of ice.

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